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账号被ban,还丢了500 poins,发邮件后support团队通通帮搞定
Thanks for contacting us.
I've had a look, and in this situation we are able to unban the account. You should be able to log back in and play once more as usual. We apologise for any inconvenience that this might have caused.
Regarding the purchased point packs, it appears that these were purchased on a Steam Path of Exile account that was then overwritten when you linked your Standalone account to Steam. I have gone ahead and transferred these point purchases from the overwritten account to the account that has been unbanned and is currently linked to Steam for you now.
If there's anything else we may be able to assist with, please don't hesitate to let us know.
Kind regards,
账号被ban,还丢了500 poins,发邮件后support团队通通帮搞定
Hi POE support team,Hi there,
There are two things I need your help:
I add 500 points on my steam account.
After that, i connact my email account with steam account, but i couldnt find my 500 points.
Could you help me find my 500 points back.
Steam account:我的steam账户
Email account:我的email账户
After this happened, my account was banned by administor.
i think the reason i was banned is that i use a third party software to get lower lag.
Could you help me unban my account.
To be honest with you, im from China, where POE was agent by Tencent(we usally call it QQ).
Unfortunately, QQ didnt agent poe well. I got lag, price is high and a lot of other problems.
I'm just a gamer looking for better game expierence. I have a friend who study in the US, and i wish to play poe with him.
Please, help me with my two problems.
If you can not unban my account, which i understand u have policies.
Could you unconnect my email account with my steam account, and help me find my 500 point on my steam account.
I will sign up a new email account and connect to my steam account.
I swear to god, i havent use the third party software for anything else other than get lower ping,and I will never use the third party software again.
Thank you.
Thanks for contacting us.
I've had a look, and in this situation we are able to unban the account. You should be able to log back in and play once more as usual. We apologise for any inconvenience that this might have caused.
Regarding the purchased point packs, it appears that these were purchased on a Steam Path of Exile account that was then overwritten when you linked your Standalone account to Steam. I have gone ahead and transferred these point purchases from the overwritten account to the account that has been unbanned and is currently linked to Steam for you now.
If there's anything else we may be able to assist with, please don't hesitate to let us know.
Kind regards,
所以最后我既解ban了账户又找回了500points。真的很开心。在这里人工点赞一下他们的服务团队。 时间稍微有点长,但是可以理解的是,我的事发生在周末,对方应该不上班。
我发邮件的时间是:1月28号 3:30pm, 收到邮件的时间是:一月30日 7:38am
账号被ban,还丢了500 poins,发邮件后support团队通通帮搞定