- ·上一篇文章:北师大2014年春季学期申报博士生短期访学项目派出人员的通知
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付款通知书 英文
付款通知书 英文是小编为大家精心选集的,关于英文版的付款通知书给大家收集了两个范本,感有需要帮助朋友一起来看看吧。本文付款通知书 英文由第一公文网网编辑整理,望大家喜欢。
Dear XX,
Since we have not received your respond for nearly a month, we are really worried about the payment issue.
After checking with the shipping agent, the goods are still in the destination port. So now we have 2 choices as below with customers who lost contact:
1. we will arrange the goods shipping back to us. As you know, the original BL is still on our hand, we are the owner of the goods. After taking them back, we will sell them to other customers.
2. We will not ship back the goods. We will seek the help from China Export& Credit Insurance Corporation, which is a government owned company, and has great influence in China and many agent offices in all over the world. Their procedure is like this: investigate your company's information; contact local lawyer firm; if there is no respond, they will hire some agents to call for the balance of your payment. There are some ways, like, TV news, papers, internet, and so on. Finally, if they cannot take the money back, your company's name will be on a black list of foreign buyers which all the Chinese suppliers will check before selling the goods.
We really do not want to take either one of the above actions, because this will influence our business relationship. But we are under great pressure from our top manager.
Counted from today, we will give you one more week to clarify everything, and another week to receive the payments. From Nov 16, we will start option 1 or option 2, after calculating which will be less cost for us.
Thanks for your patience and waiting for your reply.
付款通知书 英文二:
Company name
Date: ___________
Requisition Dept. _________________________ExpenseA/C No.: ______________________
Currency: ________________________________ Total Amount: ________________________ 收款人:
Beneficiary Name:__________________________________________________________________________ 收款人地址:
Beneficiary Address:________________________________________________________________________ 供应商编号: 合同号: 发票/收据编号:
Vendor No.:___________________Contract No.: ________________ Invoice/Receipt No.: ______________ 付款事由:
Reason for Payment: ________________________________________________________________________
Type of Payment
In Shanghai Anywhere Else
Transfer Check
Credit Check Cash T/T Other
Bank Transfer Information:
Receiving Bank: __________________________________ Account No.: ________________________ 银行地址:银行代码:
Bank Address:____________________________________ SWIFT/IBAN Code:__________________ 对付款条件、银行、支票填写特别要求说明:
Instruction for Payment Condition: _____________________________________________________________
Requested By: ___________________________________ Approved By: _______________________ 财务部复查:
Reviewed By Finance: ____________________________
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