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减小字体 增大字体 作者:熊猫仙子我  来源:17173  发布时间:2019-1-1 23:17:15


手套  巨石魔像-闪电魔像-寒冰魔像-召唤物生命辅助(次级魔像,主要为了提供元素异常免疫)
武器  相位移动-持续时间延长-效能(80%的时间相位移动让怪物无视你,让你的魔像承伤。当然你也可以用快速-盾冲-护体,但是安全性要降低一些)
盾牌  受伤施放1-不朽1-召回
鞋子  天雷之珠-高阶多重投射-击中诅咒-时空锁链
-通过升华 给怪物上感电,带来20%MORE


月神+生命药水神  全抓盗贼全杀

-大血甲是全身上下最贵的装备,在你买得起之前 建议你使用我上面说过的加闪避的胸甲过度。
升级天赋路线www.poeurl.com/b40K 通过POB天赋模拟器的天赋界面下面的导入。以生命魔法恢复为主,如果你有好珠宝可以点珠宝孔

F&Q 这部分复制到这里大家有兴趣自己看下,我直接给结论不翻译全文了How much mana to get with MOM?
[backcolor=rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.5)]To get the highest protection from one shot damage the best ratio is 43% of your life as mana so if you have 6k life then 2,820 mana.

[backcolor=rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.5)]To understand why this is the case consider a 50% MOM effect, where half of the damage you are taking goes to mana which would then make the best ratio 100% of life as mana or them being the same.

[backcolor=rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.5)]I suggest having sanctified mana flasks rolled as instant, mana flasks have the advantage of 5 uses before running dry but take a very long time to apply their effect. This downside is removed when rolled as instant allowing you to tap the button everytime you take damage to always maintain a full mana pool

Pob damage numbers?
[backcolor=rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.5)]The number on Pob is for 1 orb but with GMP 5 are being thrown out at once and their AOE damage can overlap. Pob also doesn't include a number of damage boosts from our ascendancy like %golem damage and shock. I wouldn't use the number to compare to anything except another flame golem setup

POB伤害严重不准 无法计算这个BD的输出,严重低于实际输出N倍

Why primordial Harmony over Eminence?
[backcolor=rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.5)]Pob says that Eminence give better damage but only because it does not count the increased golem cooldowns as a damage stat. In reality better cooldowns increases damage so harmonies are better then Pob calculates them to be.

[backcolor=rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.5)]While Harmonies are better for DPS Eminance do give extra life regen from the stone golem. There is content like delving where cutting DPS for extra regen is a totally reasonable choice

Victarios charity?
[backcolor=rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.5)]The charity is the easiest option and great for leveling. Frenzy charges give minions movement speed and faster animations make them kill and then move onto a new pack allowing for a smooth experience and what I kept with all through my playthrough.

[backcolor=rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.5)]Giving your own character frenzy charges grants cast speed for faster ball lighting casts and longer phase run duration which is enjoyable Qol for the character

Rare Shield?
[backcolor=rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.5)]This has higher endgame potential cutting necromantic aegis. You can focus on attack or spell protection by getting block/evasion/life/mana or Saffell's Frame for max resistances. Then you can cut defense in the tree for more jewel sockets and assuming you already own enough well rolled primordial harmonies to fill the entire tree the result is better damage & better defense at the cost of the Qol that comes from frenzy charges

极品黄盾有更高的ENDGAME潜力,你可以获得更高的格挡 闪避 生命 魔法 或者萨费尔的智慧圣记鸢盾获得极限抗性。同时额外的一些天赋点可以点珠宝获得更高的伤害,但是牺牲掉绿球的

Second Clayshaper?
[backcolor=rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.5)]Going from 6 to 7 flame golems is 16.5% more damage or making room for a chaos golem in the setup is 19% more damage & 8% less physical damage taken but replaces minion life in my current setup so the chaos and stone golems will struggle to survive since they do not gain elemental immunity like the rest.

[backcolor=rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.5)]This is not much better then getting another jewel socket would be, in my calculations clayshaper was always wors

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