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减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:网上收集整理  发布时间:2018-12-22 8:08:49

The majority of workers:
According to the State Council issued the national annual festivals and memorial days holidays approach "(State Council Order No. 270) provides, the women's Day (March 8 women's Day holiday), March 8, 2013. On Friday, the national women can enjoy a half day holiday! March 8, belong to the part of the citizens, namely women put half a false statutory holiday.
"Labor law" is also clear, other holidays and the employing units in the three eight quarter as prescribed by laws and regulations shall arrange laborer to leave holiday. If arrange laborer to work in legal holidays, should be paid no less than 300% of the wages.
This year three eight day on Friday, is a working day, the day of the women put half a day off.
